The Video Blog of the Taft Research Center at the University of Cincinnati

Academic Lectures & Creative Writing Readings

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Taft Lecture, History: Dr Paul Gootemberg, "The 'Pre-Colombian' Era of Drug Trafficking in the Americas"

Paul Gootenberg, Professor of History at Stony Brook University, and author of "Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug" (UNC Press, 2009) discusses a dramatic chapter in the transnational history of global commodity flows: the invention of illicit cocaine. The sudden emergence of shifting drug trafficking centers and innovating trafficker diasporas from South America to the United States, from 1947-1973, followed a surprising logic of the U.S.-exported Cold War and repressive drug policies —leaving, in its wake, one of the largest and most notorious commodity booms of world history.

Date of the talk: May 28, 2010

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The rest or the talk is available in our YouTube Channel at:

Taft Lecture, poetry: Pedro Lastra, lectura de poemas.

Pedro Lastra was born in Chile in 1932. Poet and essayist, Lastra graduated from the University of Chile. Between 1966 and 1973 he served as the literary advisor to the University Press in Chile, where he founded and directed the Letras de América collection. From 1972 until 1994, Lastra was a professor in the Department of Hispanic Languages and Literature at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, where he is now Professor Emeritus. In addition to being a corresponding member of the Academia Chilena de la Lengua, Lastra is also an honorary professor at the University of San Marcos (Lima, Peru) and the University of San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia).

Some of his works of poetry include Traslado a la mañana (1959), Y éramos inmortales (1969, 1974), Cuarderno de la doble vida (1984), Diario de viaje y otros poemas (1998), Canción del pasjero (2001), and Palabras de amor (2002). Lastra has published many articles and he is also the author of several books: Conversaciones con Enrique Lihn (1980, 1990), Relecturas hispanoamericanas (1987), Invitación a la lectura (2001), and Leido y anotado: Letras chilenas e hispanoamercianas (2002).

May 26, 2010

Vistit the Taft Research Center website:

The rest of the talk is available in our YouTube Channel at:

Taft Lecture, Spanish: Dra Pilar Celma "Miguel Delibes, un castellano de alcance universal"

Invited by the Romance Language Department of the University of Cincinnati, Dr Pilar Celma (University of Valladolid, Spain) gives the lecture: "Miguel Delibes, castellano de alcance universal"

Date of the lecture: May 24, 2010

Visit the Taft Research Center website:

The rest of the talk is available in our YouTube Channel at: